Liquidity risk has remained a high regulatory focus as a result of the 2008 global financial crisis; however, The Baker Group will help put risk management systems in place to measure and monitor your institution’s overall risk while maximizing the benefits that can be gained.
Managing liquidity risk requires a comprehensive look at your own institution as well as systemic (marketwide) forces. However, many institutions struggle with siloed views of liquidity, difficulty projecting cash flow, and the various methods of stress testing and scenario evaluations.
The Baker Group helps you make fast, accurate decisions to protect the health of your institution with an established framework for calculating risk and measuring market events.
For additional information, please contact a Baker Group representative.
1601 NW Expressway, 21st Floor
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Phone: 405.415.7200
Toll-Free: 800.937.2257
Fax: 405.415.7392
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