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June 14, 2022


Quarry Oaks Golf Club
16600 Quarry Oaks Dr
Ashland, NE 68003
(402) 944-6000

Event Details

Two years after the pandemic left banks drowning in excess liquidity at historically low interest rates, the industry faces a new challenge… rising interest rates. The Fed has quickly pivoted from supporting the economy to fighting inflation and banks are now facing the first rising rate environment in years. Regulators have watched with concern as loan and investment durations extended to record highs is a search for yield and will likely renew their focus on the Investment Portfolio and Interest Rate Risk Management in 2022. Portfolio managers can no longer be reactive, but must be proactive in managing their investment portfolio and balance sheet risk in the face of rising rates and a flattening yield curve. This seminar will examine all of these concerns and present actionable strategies to better prepare your institution for an uncertain 2022.

Join us for an in-depth discussion of the following topics:

  • Economic and Market Update – Review of current economic conditions and the outlook for growth, inflation, and interest rates
  • The Powell Pivot – Update on rate hikes, tapering, and the outlook for Federal Reserve monetary policy
  • Interest Rate Risk – How to ensure you are prepared for the heightened regulatory focus coming in 2022
  • Liquidity Risk Management – Best practices for managing liquidity risk as rates rise
  • Investment Portfolio Strategies – Adapting your strategy and finding the best relative value for rising rates and a flattening yield curve
  • MBS/CMO Market – Balancing prepayment and extension risk in an uncertain mortgage rate environment
  • Municipal Market Update – The latest on managing municipal credit risk and finding the best relative value


Who should attend: Financial institutions’ CEOs, CFOs, investment officers, board members, and those who are directly or indirectly responsible for financial management functions will benefit from this seminar. There is no cost for this seminar.

Attendance to The Baker Group’s Interest Rate Risk and Investment Strategies Seminar is limited in order to allow attendees as much one-on-one and Q&A time as needed.

Quarry Oaks Golf Club
16600 Quarry Oaks Dr
Ashland, NE 68003
(402) 944-6000


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Time Agenda
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Seminar
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Golf (Enjoy a round of golf on us)

Course Format
Group live program.

Basic knowledge of finance and banking is recommended.

Knowledge Level
The level of learning for this seminar is intermediate.

Advanced Preparation

CPE Credits

3 hours of Economics and Finance CPE credits will be earned for your attendance.

Logo for the National Registry of CPE SponsorsThe Baker Group is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

After completing this seminar, you will be able to:

  • Identify Key Balance Sheet Trends that Relate to Interest Rate Risk
  • Answer Questions About Regulatory Requirements for Interest Rate Risk Reporting
  • Recognize the Difference Between Earnings at Risk and Capital at Risk
  • Explain the Relationship Between Price Risk and Cash Flow Volatility in Bond Portfolios
  • Measure and Assess Relative Value Between and Among Bonds


Because this seminar is presented without charge to attendees, there are no refund or cancellation policies. We do, however, welcome any constructive suggestions you might have concerning the seminar. Your comments should be directed to Skoshi Heron at 1.888.990.0010.


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Oklahoma City, OK 73118

Phone: 405.415.7200
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